Friday, March 23, 2012

Louise Attaque Dalida!

I know I know. Death is rarely compared to "Feelgood" but I really want to share with you a song from Italian/Egyptian songstress Dalida. I have a co-worker with whom I share videos and songs, mostly for fun, and we share dance beats usually,but lately I have really been digging the downtempo genre (I.E. Lana Del Rey) and so it just came naturally for me to enjoy the music of Dalida. 

This morning I really wanted to break away from listening to LDR all day, not that I like her less - far from - but because I craved good ole, French-Canadian music. So went to my trusted sidekick Youtube and began listening to Les Respectables, Jervais, Vincent Vallière, and my more recent crush: Louise Attaque.

When I sent my favourite song of Louise Attaque to my colleague, she replied with a video of Dalida. The name meant nothing to my modern era ears. So I innocently pressed play and suddenly, just like that, a new drug was presented to me.

Dalida has lived a very odd life - 3 of her lovers AND her closest friend commited suicide - which led her down a triumphant path that ended in tragedy. In 1987, After years of turmoil and guilt, Dalida decided to end her own life and join the men that loved her so.

With this being said, here is Dalida's Ciao Amore Ciao, a tale of love lost and eternal life.

It's also Friday, so go balls out and listen to N***** in Paris by Yay and Jay. That shit cray!

Candles are out,
Eleven's Ink

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