Saturday, September 24, 2011

Guilty Guilty Guilty!

We all have that song, that movie, that book, that show that we love but never mention it to another soul for fear of pointing and laughing. Guilty Pleasures should never be revealed. Unless you have a blog. Then you make fun of yourself!!

On trial for loving a teeny bopper love song. Here's the evidence:

1. I search the song on my pre-programmed channels upon entering my car
2. I catch myself singing the catchy chorus at work
3. The culprit is --May make you want to hit repepepepeat--:

On trial for reading and appreciating chick-lit. Here's the evidence:

1. I bought the darn book
2. I watched the darn movie adaptation
3. I recommend the darn book to everyone who walks into my house
4. The culprit is --book made me cry :'( --:

On trial for screening dumb-ass comedy. Here's the evidence:

1. I can quote all the one-liners
2. I own the movie
3. I recommend the movie, and then watch it with the person
4. I've yet to get sick of it
5. The culprit is --may entice me to watch again-- :

On trial for viewing cult classic television. Here's the evidence:

1. I own the official guide to the series and read it all
2. I watched the show religiously when originally aired
3. I can quote wayyy too many lines then I should be able to
4. I blogged about the show
5. I can hold hour long discussions with equally rabid fans of the show
6. The culprit is --watch out for 0:55-1:03 FUNNY--:

Everyone has guilty pleasures though. But you shouldn't have to talk about it should talk about it and share!!!

Candles are out,
Eleven's Ink

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