Then, my friend, I introduce you to FanFiction.
Fans (as in obsessed leagues of tongue-wagging geeks, not the cooling device) have been altering their favourite stories for years, tweaking the storylines, enhancing the characters' hues, and marking their prrrrecious with their own personal touch.
I first discovered (a hyperlink to the page can be found above, in red.) when reasearching an author whose book I was currently reading. The author in question was Cassandra Clare and the book I was reading was City of Bones, the first book in the Mortal Instruments Trilogy. While reading her biography, I followed a link to her Draco Trilogy, which was described by many as "the best fan-fiction ever".
When I finished reading the third and final "book", Draco Veritas, I was officially hooked and began searching the net for anything homemade and that is when I stumbled upon
But amidst all the unfinished stories and the cheesy ripoffs, there are golden gems. Like the Scream tv series that documents the life of the characters in Scream 4 prior to the events. It's one of the most reviewed "fanfic" on the website. It's good. Like really good.
I dare you to visit the website and not spend four hours on it.
Candles are out,
Eleven's Ink
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